I think there are some things that make toefl very important among the
community as TOEFL scores are typically used as the main requirement
increase in a person's career or the terms of a recruitment and another
reason why toefl very important that:
- As one of the requirements of graduation from a university, an example of which I experienced at my college when will pass S1.
- Want to continue the study of S1 to S2 or S3 at most universities both domestically and abroad, especially the use of the language of instruction lectures in English, TOEFL is one of the main requirement.
- Want to follow the short course program by agencies or foundations abroad in a particular field. examples of training programs to the German intermediary technology which was held by the Ministry of Research and Technology requires a TOEFL score for applicants.
- Want to particular structural positions in government agencies or important positions in certain private companies, where the TOEFL is used as one of the requirements in recruitment or career hierarchy.
- Lately there are some specific high school in Indonesia has given the TOEFL-like test for students who will complete their study.